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in contradiction with中文是什么意思

用"in contradiction with"造句"in contradiction with"怎么读"in contradiction with" in a sentence


  • 与...矛盾着, 与...相抵触


  • Your present remarks are in contradiction with the assurance you gave us previously .
  • The special status of procedure of investigation is not in contradiction with " centralism judgment "
  • Every war exacts a price , sometimes an extremely high one . is this not in contradiction with " preserving oneself "
  • The equations describing the vibration become inconsistent unless spacetime either is highly curved ( in contradiction with observations ) or contains six extra spatial dimensions
    除非在时空高度弯曲(与观测结果矛盾) ,或是含有六个额外的空间维度下,描述振动的方程式才不会有矛盾之处。
  • Because the whole ecological environment in the eastern region of northwest china is frangible , the fast urbanism is in contradiction with ecological resumption and protection . it is very instant to discuss the urban master layout towards ecology
  • After careful empirical research , we find that is the most dominating factor influencing the returns except one or two industries . we also find that and stock returns are negative linearity correlativity which is obviously in contradiction with traditional theoretical hypotheses
  • The supreme people ' s court has made judicial interpretations about civil suit collateral to criminal litigation time after time , but without remarkable effect . meanwhile , many defects still exist in the judicial interpretations and criminal procedure law about the system of civil suit collateral to criminal litigation . in addition , the judicial interpretations are in contradiction with what the criminal procedure law and correlative civil law ordain
  • Because we cannot know the value of customer service level ( csl ) , stock management plan has some defect and the csl of group cannot come up to our request . raising csl is in contradiction with letting down stocks . but ascertaining the request of csl , we can make scientific stock management plan according to the model of stock that we have constructed in order to getting the most reasonable quantity of procurement and safety quantity of stock
    库存计划管理是物流管理的重要部分,提高客户服务水平指标( csl指标)与降低库存量是相互矛盾的,在明确了csl指标要求后,可以按照所建立的库存模型制定科学的库存管理计划,以便找出最合理的订货点和安全库存量。
  • The old wives ' tale and clayhanger , with an aim to explore bennett ' s implied androcentric discourse conflict : his sympathy with females and his critique or questioning of patriarchy are in contradiction with his support of " the angle in the house . " which displays the unconscious construction of male authority
    以贝内特的“受虐者”心理为切入点,从女性主义角度审视他的三个主要文本《五城的安娜》 、 《老妇谭》和《克雷亨格》 ,其作品隐含的男权话语的矛盾:既同情女性,批评或质疑至高无上的父权;又推崇顺从的“家庭天使” ,呈现出对男权中心的无意识建构。
  • Zhang lixia ( water conservancy engineering ) supervised by professor shi kebin this paper mainly discussed a method for multi - goal network ' s optimization . since the network plan was brought forward , the criterion for evaluating network was time cost resource all along . in this paper , through massive study on achievements the predecessors had done the author posed a new criterion : quality , and set up the network ' s quality model ; simultaneously , the author established the network ' s multi - goal model by synthesizing the existing optimum models , also found the finite not bad solution of the model ; because the four goals was in contradiction with each other , using the multi - goal decision theory can optimize the network project scientifically and objectively
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